When a woman gives out her phone number, there is a high likelihood that she wouldn’t mind being friends with the person she gave her number to. However, after getting a woman’s phone number, the thought of calling her may make you nervous if you intend to ask her out.

Call at a decent hour. While you can’t predict her schedule, call at an hour when she’s likely to be free. Phone her at around noon on weekends or between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. during the week. If she’s not available, apologize and ask for the best time to call back. If she’s available, ask if she has time to talk.

Chat for a bit when you call before you ask her out if she has time to talk. Ask about her work, her interests and hobbies. Pinpoint what you have in common and talk about it. Discovering her interests gives you the opportunity to get to know her and provides insight on dating locations or activities that she’d enjoy

Make her laugh. Women love men with a sense of humor. If you’re naturally funny, use that to your advantage. If you’re not that funny, tell a story about a funny incident you encountered or a funny movie you watched. Keep a light, humorous tone throughout your conversation.

Ask if she wants to continue the conversation over coffee or lunch. This simple, short date is a continuation of your phone conversation and an opportunity to speak with her face to face. During this short date you can ask her to join you for an event that caters to her interests.

Once she says yes, you’re in bro! If she turns you down patiently schedule another time. You’ll still get your date!

Source: Online



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