Samthing Soweto and DJ MaphorisaSamthing Soweto and DJ Maphorisa-Image Source@X
A heated exchange has erupted between two prominent South African musicians, DJ Maphorisa and Samthing Soweto. Following a series of allegations made by Samthing Soweto early Tuesday morning, DJ Maphorisa quickly fired back, challenging the statements and accusations made against him.

Samthing Soweto’s Allegations

The drama began when Samthing Soweto claimed that DJ Maphorisa had been misleading people regarding his involvement in Samthing’s music. In a detailed social media post, Samthing Soweto alleged that he paid DJ Maphorisa for the rights to his music masters, as per the agreement at the time, but was later disappointed with the narrative DJ Maphorisa portrayed.

“I paid Phori for my masters. I paid exactly what he asked for, but he didn’t actually produce anything for my project,” Samthing Soweto wrote in his public statement.

He further admitted to exaggerating DJ Maphorisa’s contributions to his project, stating that he believed associating Maphorisa’s name with his album would boost sales. Samthing Soweto confessed he felt insecure about his ability to sell music without Maphorisa’s renowned influence as a producer. According to him, his fanbase was eager to associate with the idea of Maphorisa being involved in the project.

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“I lied about Phori’s contributions because my audience loved the idea of him as a super producer, and I didn’t want to go against that narrative,” Samthing Soweto admitted.

Personal and Creative Integrity

Samthing Soweto also revealed how this decision had a lasting effect on his sense of creative ownership and personal dignity. He expressed regret over compromising his integrity, explaining that he was focused on making sales but didn’t anticipate that it would cost him both his creative pride and his self-respect.

The tension escalated when Samthing Soweto mentioned that DJ Maphorisa had been telling people that he “fed” him during this period, implying that he was financially dependent on the producer. This claim seemed to hit a nerve, and Maphorisa did not hold back in his response.

DJ Maphorisa Fires Back

In a direct and candid reply, DJ Maphorisa called out Samthing Soweto for what he described as misleading behaviour and urged him to stop playing the victim.

“I asked you 2-3 years ago to send me an invoice so I could pay you, just like how you paid us for your song Isphithiphithi,” Maphorisa retorted in a public statement.

Maphorisa’s frustration was evident as he questioned why Samthing Soweto seemed intent on controlling all aspects of the music they worked on together, including the ownership of the masters. He insinuated that Samthing attempted to dominate the situation by trying to win everything for himself.

“Why do you want to own all the masters? Does that make sense? Do we work for you?” Maphorisa asked, signalling his frustration over the issue of creative control and ownership.

Maphorisa’s Call for Resolution

DJ Maphorisa did not shy away from proposing a resolution to the conflict. He asked Samthing Soweto to submit an invoice for the tracks “Amantombazane” and “Emcimbini” so that payments could be made, thereby settling any financial discrepancies.

“Send the invoice so we can pay you for those songs, and we’ll return the money you gave us so that we can own the masters,” Maphorisa stated firmly.

The underlying message was clear: DJ Maphorisa was willing to pay what was owed but wanted to finalize ownership of the music in question, a point of contention between the two artists.

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Questioning Samthing Soweto’s Intentions

In his closing remarks, DJ Maphorisa took a jab at Samthing Soweto’s public image, accusing him of trying to present himself as the good guy in this scenario. He urged Samthing to stop pretending and face the facts, pointing out that his actions didn’t align with the persona he was projecting online.

“Stop acting like you’re the good guy when you’re not,” Maphorisa declared.

By patiee

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