After the untimely passing of the renowned singer and songwriter, Bulelwa “Zahara” Mkutukana, her family has confirmed that her reality show will press on. The first season, titled “Zahara – As I Rise,” was a resounding success, delving into her journey of restoration and healing from childhood to her experiences in the music industry.
Continuing the Journey
Zahara’s reality series provided viewers with an intimate look into her life, revealing the person behind the bubbly exterior often masked by the daily consumption of alcohol. The show detailed her struggles after parting ways with TS Records and her fight to rebuild her life as a daughter, sister, and soon-to-be wife. Tragically, she passed away before filming for the second season could commence.
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Back to Reality
Zahara passed away in December, just as she was finalizing her deal with the SABC for the second season. A family member disclosed to ZiMoja that negotiations with the SABC were progressing smoothly until Zahara fell ill. Despite her untimely demise, the SABC has approached the family, and an agreement has been reached to continue the reality show.
Including Her Fiancé
The family intends to showcase Zahara’s life before falling ill, narrate the events during her illness, and depict life after her passing. Addressing the speculation and conflicts surrounding her death, a family spokesperson stated, “There has been a lot of speculation and conflicts which will be cleared.” They also expressed the hope that Zahara’s fiancé, Mpho Xaba, will be given an opportunity to share his side of the story, as he played a crucial role in her final days.
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The family spokesperson mentioned seeking guidance from individuals like Vusi Nova, one of Zahara’s best friends, and emphasized the importance of portraying an accurate narrative. Zahara’s mother, Nokhaya Mkutukana, shared that they are taking things one day at a time and expressed gratitude for the support received.
“God is good. We will heal. We don’t want our daughter’s story to go untold. She was our pillar of strength. We are still in talks with the SABC. We are from the rural area thina; we don’t know these things, but people will help guide us so we can go about it the right way.”