Juju is a dog : So says Kenny Kunene

She’s his favorite b*itch! The sushi king’s black rottweiler became an instant celebrity on social media on Friday. That’s when the controversial businessman posted a photo of ‘juju’, the dog, on social media. Kenny named his dog juju after the EFF Commander-In-Chief, Julius Malema. And he did it in retaliation, after the political Juju released a song titled #ZuptaMustFall on Thursday.

The song was released on YouTube and uses EFF’s protest chant in Parliament during the State of The Nation Address earlier this year. Malema invented the name ‘ZUPTA’. EFF sources claimed the song aims to raise awareness and mobilise all people to speak with one voice in the demand that #ZuptaMustFall.

But Kenny fought back with his beloved b_itch. He shocked Instagram followers with pictures of her. The message read : ‘My dog Juju has grown so much, even the belly is so big. She’s so loyal to her master who feeds her. One thing about Juju is she knows when to bark at potential intruders and when to impress me and the boys…… unlike some humans’

Shortly thereafter, some applauded Kenny for indirectly labelling Julius a dog. Speaking to media on Friday, Kenny expressed his love for his dog. ‘I’ve had that dog since it was young and the name Juju is a nice name for a dog. The part about the big belly is for Julius! Remember how in 2013 he had a tiny belly comapred to now. Now he has a big belly,’ he said.

Kenny added : ‘If we compare Juju the human and Juju the dog, they’re both loyal. The dog is loyal to me and the human is loyal to his masters in England. Malema has characteristics of a dog. He barks everywhere, in Parliament he’s always barking. In Polokwane he barks in taverns. He was not in parliament on Thursday so his maters in England told him to do something, so now he’s done a song just to make noise.’

Julius Malema was not available for comment.

Source : Sunday Sun


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