Shock As Woman And Four Kids Are Found Living In A Transformer

Shock as woman, four kids are found living in a transformer
Johannesburg, South Africa
The Johannesburg municipality was left in awe after it found a woman and her four kids in a transformer. Officials from the municipality found a stove, bed, wardrobe, clothes and a fridge at this makeshift home.

According to the Department of Environment and Infrastructure Services, the family had occupied an 11Kv high voltage transformer substation chamber in Randburg. However, t was not clear how long they had been staying in the chamber.

“The problem of homelessness is big in the City of Johannesburg because of the lack of economic opportunities available. While the situation we found is a sad one, it’s a very dangerous one and there are even children involved.
Moreover, the biggest concern is the illegality and vandalism that happened for them to be in there in the first place. That is why we had to save them by evicting them,” said MMC for Environmental and Infrastructure Services, Mpho Moerane.

Due to the current recession and the COVID-19 pandemic, many have had to find innovative ways of having a roof over their heads.
Government is also not making it easy for citizens as many flee from all over the country in search of greener pastures to Johannesburg which is deemed as the city of gold only to find out that the grass ain’t greener.

As a result, many tend to keep on persevering and enduring the toll only to later find out after several years that nothing is coming up and because of self-imposed shame they won’t be willing to go back to their hometowns until they can go back with something tangible but unfortunately that’s not the case in many of the scenarios.

If only the government can facilitate in the development of most of these provinces then people won’t be forced to move away in search of nomahini in Jozi.

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