Mourners were left running at a Tembisa funeral when the body of a dead man suddenly turned into a baboon. Tau Mofokeng had recently passed away under mysterious circumstances which even his family can not explain. The elderly family members believed that he was attacked by a tokoloshe from a neighbour who is a witch. Before he died Tau had started screaming and foaming on the mouth saying someone was beating him. His wife and brother tried to help him but he kept making those noises. When they took him to the hospital where he only lived for two hurs before dying.

Taking him out of the mortuary also proved to be hard as the corpse kept bleeding from the mouth and nose. They had to stuff balls of cotton wall to stop the bleeding.

When the time came for the final body viewing the family members opened the coffin only to find that the deceased had turned into a baboon with lots of fur and big teeth.

There was commotion as mourners ran screaming from the house in a stampede. The other mourners came to witness and found a dead baboonin the casket. There was lots of screaming and crying until the police had to be called. Even the police had were scared of getting close to the coffin.

They had to call a pastor to pray over the body an then the coffin was closed. Instead of burying Tau they had to burn his corpse as they belived that it was no longer him. A family member said they belived it was no longer Tau as he had already been snatched away by the witch. Witches use dead bodies to make powerful muti and tikoloshes for their evil work.

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