It seems there is no end to Sfiso Ncwane’s family drama. First there was his mother’s empty fridge drama, and now his daughter is making “absent father” claims.

The gospel singer’s 18-year-old daughter, his first child from a previous relationship, has opened up about what appears to be a rocky relationship with her father.

Speaking to Drum magazine, Nqobile Mzelemu says that while her celebrity dad openly gives to the poor, he neglects her.

“My father is available to everyone out there except me. As it is, I don’t have pads, underwear or cosmetics. My school uniform is old and torn. The R650 that he deposits on a monthly basis is not enough,” she says in the latest issue of the magazine.

Nqobile added that he even forgot to call her on her birthday in May, despite reminding him about her big day.

“I received no birthday presents whatsoever and that really hurt me,” the Grade 11 pupil is quoted as saying.

Meanwhile,  Sfiso is reportedly shocked by his daughter’s claims, saying he has not received any complaints from her about money before.

Sfiso came under fire last year after his mother revealed that he stopped sending her money, leaving her fridge empty.

Fans slammed the singer for buying his pastor an expensive Mercedes Benz while his mother was starving.

Source : Zalebs


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