THE Ndikhokhele hitmaker, Molemo Maarohanye, was allegedly assaulted and knifed in a prison where he is serving his sentence on Sunday 15 May.

It is understood that the incident happened during a soccer tournament that was held behind prison walls recently. Insiders in prison claim that an argument broke out between the singer, who is also known as Jub Jub, and another inmate. Department of Correctional Services spokesperson, Ofentse Morwane, denied this saying, “There is nothing like that. He has not been stabbed and has not been involved in any fight recently. The allegations are baseless and unfounded.”

But reliable sources maintain that Jub Jub was watching a soccer match when he had an altercation with one of the prisoners. A prisoner who was present when the fight broke out, claims that the argument between the jailed rapper and another prisoner ended up in a fist fight and stabbing. “Jub Jub gave his fellow prisoner a parcel to keep for him as he was busy discussing something with other inmates. When Jub Jub asked for the parcel to be handed back to him by a fellow prisoner, an argument ensued,” says a prisoner. “They started shoving each other and later fists flew. In the process, Jub Jub was stabbed with a handmade knife. He was stabbed on his stomach and thighs. I am not sure what was in the parcel, but it looked like something important to Jub Jub. He was nearly slaughtered as the other guy had the knife by his throat aiming to finish him off after he fell to the ground.”

Move! understands that prison warders realised that there was going to be a bridge of security when other prisoners joined in on the fight. The drama apparently resembled a scene from the Hollywood movie, Escape Plan, as things turned nasty. Another prisoner claims that warders had to intervene to stop the fight. “Shots were fired and all the prisoners lay down on the ground with their hands over their heads. It was scary as most of us were thinking that we would be shot. Jub Jub was taken to the hospital for treatment and another prisoner was taken to solitary confinement,” says a prisoner known to Move!

After Move! had spoken to the prisoner, a woman who claimed to be a warder phoned us in a fit of rage asking us why we were wanted to know about the incident. “I was told by an inmate that you spoke to him asking about the Jub Jub drama. What are you trying to Rapper Jub Jub was allegedly stabbed in the stomach by another inmate after a heated argument between the two achieve? Why do you speak to the prisoner about that? Do you want him to be in trouble regarding the incident that happened on Sunday? If you want to know what had happened, call the prison bosses and don’t ever speak to the prisoners,” she said.

A Sunday newspaper reported that Jub Jub might be out of jail in December as he would be granted parole once he completes half of his sentence. But the news of his pending parole angered the family members of the schoolkids he mowed down with his Mini Cooper, alongside Themba Tshabalala.

Source : Move


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