Johanesburg – After a series of warnings to ‘maintain a distance’ from the late Kwaito star,Mduduzi Edmund Tshabalala’s wife,Mpho Tshabalala,the day did not end well for a Soweto based church member of one Grace Bible church, Livemonitor has learnt.

Mpho Tshabalala has been thoroughly criticized from all walks of life of late for moving on only a few months after her celebrity husband’s passed away in September this year.To add salt to injury,she recently posted the photo of her ‘new man’ on Instagram which was however received with mixed reactions across the globe.

According to an eyewitness,the late Mandoza’s uncle and his cousin,who had warned Mpho’s new man (name with-held) to desist from seeing Mpho,citing that it was ‘unAfrican’,finally teamed up and gave him a ‘bashing’ of his life when he was on his way from church yesterday.

After the beating by open hands and clenched fits,the victim was thrown at a nearby railway line and was later spotted by passerbys who quickly sent him to hospital leading to the pair’s arrest.

The victim is recovering at Netcare Park Lane hospital whilst the duo is assisting the police with investigations.Efforts to get a comment from Mandoza’s family spokesperson were fruitless as her phone rang unanswered during the time of print.

Source : iMzansi



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