Real Housewives Lagos TiannahReal Housewives of Lagos star Tiannah Recalls Horror Year In Hospital [Image: @tiannahsplacempire/Instagram]

Real Housewives of Lagos star Toyin “Tiannah” Lawani-Adebayo has recalled the horror year she has had to be in the ICU three times.

The Lagos-based businesswoman and fashion designer is grateful to be alive after life-threatening medical conditions.

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The Worst Year For Real Housewives of Lagos star Tiannah

She lost her baby, struggled with fibroids and went under the knife for spine surgery. She spent about two months in hospital.

Tiannah told her Instagram fans about her experience:

“I ended up in ICU three times and made it out three times. I had to write to communicate with doctors and nurses. My small baby kept looking at me like I said something. I then knew how it felt to lose one’s voice. The ability to speak, walk, and sit is so underrated. This period in my life made me realise who were my friends and who weren’t. The last people I expected to rush to my aid did so without even asking.

“I am thankful to everyone who supported me while being stuck in that hospital. You think you have money? Wait until you are in hospital. I just pray to God to show mercy to anyone going through the same out there. I’m thinking about the people who don’t have funds to help themselves what will they do? Being there, I saw at least three rich people die in front of me, and I was just grateful for my life.”

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The Love She Got While In Hospital

Real Housewives Lagos Tiannah
Real Housewives of Lagos star Tiannah Recalls Horror Year In Hospital [Image: @tiannahsplacempire/Instagram]


Tiannah said people brought her presents and flowers to make her stay in the hospital bearable. She recalled on Instagram one particular day that touched her heart:

“I looked around the room, and there were so many flowers from friends and family. The hospital had to ask me to evacuate them. I told hubby can you take my pictures. I wanted to create a crown with these flowers and use my bare skin. Everyone in the hospital, nurse’s doctors, kept screaming about how glowing my skin was.” 

By Rumpel

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