For all your emergency heart, hand transplant you don’t need to look further than a Hillbrow ‘market that specializes in all those things’

*Bra Jafta (not his real name) a hillbrow resident who specializes in black marketing has found his calling in selling human body parts.

“People have to wait very long for transplants and sometimes they die while still on the waiting list. So I decided to get in that line of business of selling human organs and body parts” he says with a sly smile.

“Even Sangomas and people who need parts for muthi come to me, business has been really good lately” he boasts.

Bra Jafta says he got his inspiration from Thailand after seeing on TV that there are people who specialize in selling human organs and parts on TV. We asked him if the organs are obtained by legal means as most of these things come from legal victims.
“Of course! I would never kill for that. I have deals with hospitals and sometimes even the deceased relatives sell the organs to me” he quickly defends his line of work.
Even some SAPS officers know of his operations and sympathize with his cause as some of them also had relatives who needed help.

Jafta also says times are hard so people have to do what they can in order to survive. It is a risky business of course but Jafta has been careful not to do it on site and he has involved many middle men so tracing this back to him can be difficult.




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