There was shock and outrage in the theatre of a Joburg hospital when instead of a baby coming out it turned out to be….something else.
The woman (we’re protecting her identity for privacy reasons) had a complicated pregnancy when the doctors suggested a C-section birth.
After a maximum of 18 hours in labour they rushed her to the theatre in order to save her life and that of the baby.
Instead of delivering a baby they had a creature which has the shape and form of a monkey.

“We honestly have no idea what this is. It’s not everyday we come across this in our practice. The closest answer we can give is that it’s a birth defect. But we’re waiting for the specialists to give us a profound explanation” Dr Nare who was in charge of the delivery spoke on record.

As for the mother of the baby, she is devastated and was advised against giving out interviews for the sake of her mental health.
“We’d like to be left alone as we deal with this issue” a family spokesperson told the press.

We await development on the case as specialists come up with a logical explanation. Meanwhile our thoughts are with the family.

Source: imzansi



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