An illegal poacher on the hunt for ivory recently got his due when one of the elephants decided to exact its revenge.
This incident happened occurred at Tsitsikamma National Park near a drinking water hole for the elephants.

The poacher, identified as James Matsunyane had been contracted by a criminal Chinese syndicate to hunt down an elephant and take the it’s horns.
Elephants are creatures known to have very long memories. What James hadn’t counted on was that the same elephant once escaped a poaching incident five years ago and was nonetheless prepared this time.

The beast shoved him before he could shoot another tranquilizer in it. Loud trumpets were heard as the furious elephant raised him with it’s trunk in the air ready to stomp on him.
The park authorities were contacted but it was too late when they came to the rescue. The elephant had served jungle justice to the poacher.
“There’s been a lot of emphasis on anti poaching from both here and the international community. While James’ death is unfortunate I’m sure it serves as a warning. Let us respect our wildlife and leave something for the generations to come” Mr Ethan Meyer of the national parks said.

We wouldn’t dream of making an enemy out of an elephant either.




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