A trio of ladies from Durban has left many men crying for their sanity….and their wallets.
These ladies who give their names as Mpumi, Busi and Gugu (please note they change their names all the time) are the nightmare of every man.
The girls are posing as night ladies and promise men a good time in bed.

Once they have secured their prey they dru_g them and clean their wallets and sometimes to embarrass them they also take their clothes.

“We’re advising the public to be aware of this because we have many cases where men are coming to us penniless and distraught after being robbed all in the name of fun” leading police investigator Mandla Khumalo said in a statement to the public.

According to Mr Khumalo, these ladies are frequenting spots where rich people often hang out and before the night is over one of them or both manage to snare their next victim.
Their dr_ug of choice are powerful narc_otics which send the victim to sleep in just a few minutes, mixed with excess alco_hol this can even lead to death.
“Please note these ladies are criminals and any part in helping to apprehend them will be much appreciated” Mr Khumalo finished.
Like any smart criminal they don’t frequent the same places. They operate in cycles to prevent being caught. They’re never in one place for a long time.

Forewarned is forearmed.




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