A video has emerged showing a pastor bathing a female congregant in “holy water”.

Pastor Babis Kamicho of Ghana was video taped at his holy shrine helping an unidentified  lady who has a problem of not conceiving. Locals in the small village where the church is located also testified that the pastor is very popular among mostly female congregants and almost all the women who go there for his services end up getting pregnant.

The shocking ritual was captured by a concerned church member. It is also alleged that the pastor always finishes the prayer in his back room.

The Ghana Church Council has said they can not investigate the case as the lady in the video looks more than willing to partake in the ritual and as a concerting adult, they reserve their right to bath

The church in the midst of the controversy is called  Revival grace Ministries in Ghana and at the end of the video, the pastor can be seen making signals to whoever is taking the video. A clear indication that he knew about the recording.

Some believe the pastor uses black magic to hypnotize women to allow themselves to have their bodies paraded like that.

“It is inhumane and it in very UnGodly, there is no way God allows this to happen in his kingdom’, one villager testified before adding,”Even the kids born in recent years somehow resemble him”

The pastor was not available for comment.

Source :iMzansi


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