Expired Food Pakistani SpazaLocal Residents Confiscate And Destroy Expired Food From Pakistani Spaza Store [Image: Maphephandaba/Instagram]

Local residents in Johannesburg have confiscated and destroyed expired food from a spaza shop owned by a Pakistani national.


Fake And Expired Foods Rampant In South Africa

There has been a surge of fake and expired foods sold by foreign nationals in townships across South Africa. Two weeks ago, two boys died after consuming biscuits from a local Pakistani-owned spaza shop in Naledi, Soweto. The police had to be called to stop the locals from burning the spaza to the ground.

ALSO READ: Soweto Community in Shock as Poisoned Biscuits Kill Two Boys

Last week, authorities busted two Bangladeshi-owned factories that make fake products in Swaneville. Johannesburg. According to IOL, jealous Pakistanis exposed the companies to the authorities. The Bangladeshi men produce fake beans, packaged as Koo beans, fake cornflakes, spaghetti, noodles, cough syrup, fake cool drinks such as Lemon Twist and Coca-Cola, milk, Grand-Pa medication and condoms.


Expired Food Pakistani Spaza
Local Residents Confiscate And Destroy Expired Food From Pakistani Spaza Store [Image: IOL]


Local Residents Destroy Expired Food From Pakistani Spaza Store

Locals recently decided to take matters into their own hands and put an end to the nonsense. They stormed a spaza shop owned by a Pakistani national and confiscated expired food items. The products included maize meal, juice, rice and sugar. They first tore up the packets, scattered the products, or poured them before throwing them away. One member had a garden fork, which he used to poke the mealie meal.

Watch the incident below.



Mzansi Express Support For The Community Members

Social media users shared mixed sentiments online.


“I personally think oMyfriend must close down their shops.”


“Now I am revealing my age. But what happened to health inspectors? We used to have them go around in shops years back.”


“That’s good. I never ever take chances buying from local shops.”


“Well done bathing. People need to stop buying from Batho bana. Can we take back di spaza ko kasi? 

By Rumpel

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