Sicelo Buthelezi [Image Credit: Instagram]Sicelo Buthelezi

Sicelo Buthelezi: A Rising Star

Age and Background

Sicelo Buthelezi, a multifaceted talent hailing from the vibrant city of Tembisa in Johannesburg, South Africa, has become a household name, captivating the hearts of Mzansi’s audience. Born on March 20, 1985, Buthelezi has kept the details of his childhood and family life private, choosing instead to focus on his remarkable journey as an actor and musician.

Educational Pursuits

After completing his elementary education, Sicelo Buthelezi continued his academic journey at Ingqayizivele High School. However, during his time in grade 10, he stumbled upon a burgeoning interest in acting, a passion that would ultimately shape his destiny.

Embracing the World of Acting

Sicelo’s determination to nurture and refine his newfound passion led him to decide to join a local theatre group. This bold step immersed him in the captivating world of acting, where he honed his skills and ignited his dedication to the craft.

Rising Star: Teddy in Gomora

In 2020, Sicelo Buthelezi landed the role of Teddy in the popular telenovela “Gomora” on Mzansi Magic. In this crime series, he portrays the character of Teddy, the son of Zodwa, a troubled alcoholic.

Teddy’s character grapples with a challenging family situation that deeply affects his academic pursuits. Despite facing numerous obstacles, including the need to repeat grade 9, Teddy’s determination shines through as he perseveres and eventually conquers these difficulties.

Throughout his journey, Teddy finds solace and support from Gladys, a local social worker, and her husband, who take him under their wing. Their guidance and care provide Teddy with a newfound sense of stability and hope, making his character arc in “Gomora” all the more compelling.


Sicelo Buthelezi‘s journey from his humble beginnings to becoming a celebrated actor and musician serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists everywhere. His dedication to his craft and his ability to bring complex characters like Teddy to life have solidified his place in the hearts of Mzansi’s audience.


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